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Why Does My Toddler Wake Up Crying? Causes & Solutions

Why Does My Toddler Wake Up Crying? Causes & Solutions


If your toddler wakes up crying, you’re not alone. Many parents struggle with their little ones waking up in the middle of the night or after naps, often confused about the cause. You may ask, why does my two-year-old wake up crying every night? or why is my toddler waking up crying nightly? The truth is, that it is a common problem and can be due to various factors such as sleep regression, nightmares, separation anxiety, hunger, or discomfort.

Some parents notice that their 2-year-old wakes up crying every night, while others struggle with a 3-year-old waking up crying several times a night. If your toddler always wakes up crying, understanding the root cause is essential to finding a solution.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore why toddlers wake up crying, the most common triggers, and step-by-step solutions to help your child sleep peacefully.

1. Most Common Reasons Why Toddlers Wake Up Crying

Most Common Reasons Why Toddlers Wake Up Crying

If your toddler keeps waking up crying, there may be several reasons for it. Some of the most common reasons that affect your child’s sleep are listed below.

1. Sleep Cycle Transitions

Toddlers have shorter sleep cycles than adults. When they switch from deep to lighter sleep, they can wake up feeling confused, and this can result in crying. It is common for parents to notice that their toddler wakes up crying from naps because transitions during daytime sleep can be more abrupt.

Encouraging self-soothing habits and establishing a soothing bedtime routine can help toddlers adjust better to these transitions.

2. Nightmares and Night Terrors

The most common reason why toddlers wake up crying is from nightmares or night terrors. Nightmares during REM sleep make one afraid and scared, while night terrors are in deep sleep and might trigger uncontrollable sobbing, screaming, or flailing.

If your 3-year-old wakes up crying every night, nightmares may be the reason. A nightlight, reassuring words, and bedtime stories can calm fear. But if your toddler wakes up crying hysterically, night terrors may be the culprit. In this case, don’t wake them; simply comfort them until the episode passes.

3. Sleep Regression

If your toddler wakes up several times a night crying, they might be experiencing a sleep regression. This is possible at 15 months, 18 months, 2 years, and 3 years old because of developmental milestones.

Throughout these stages, children develop changed sleep patterns, more night waking, and trouble sleeping. If your 2-year-old keeps waking up crying, having a regular sleep schedule and not introducing new sleeping habits that would delay the regression is important.

4. Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is at its peak between 12 and 24 months, and most parents notice that their 2-year-old waking up crying every night. Toddlers will wake up and find the parents are not present, and this will distress them.

To alleviate separation anxiety, try:

•      Leaving a comfort item, such as a blanket or stuffed animal.

•      Taking gentle reassurance when they wake up.

•      Passing short goodbyes throughout the day to make them feel more secure.

5. Hunger or Thirst

A common reason why toddlers wake up crying at night is because of hunger or thirst. Their little tummies empty rapidly, and some tend to wake up requiring a snack.

If your 2-year-old wakes up crying every night, consider providing a light protein-based snack at bedtime such as banana slices or yogurt. In addition, ensure that they drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid being woken by thirst.

6. Discomfort and Pain

Discomfort and Pain

Teething, ear infections, colds, or reflux are possible causes of frequent night awakenings. If your toddler wakes up crying each morning, check for signs of distress, e.g., ear rubbing, sore gums, forever.

If your toddler keeps waking up crying and seems in pain, ask a pediatrician for advice.

7. Overstimulation Before Bedtime

Too much screen time, loud play, or noise before bedtime may harder for toddlers to calm down. Your toddler wakes up crying from naps hysterically may result from being overtired before to sleep.

To wind down your child:

•      Shut down screens a minimum of an hour before going to bed.

•      Have a relaxing sleep routine of bath, reading books, and lowered lights.

•      Have a white noise or gentle lullaby signal that it’s time for bed.

8. Poor Sleep Environment

A room that is too hot or too cold, bright lights, or loud noises can cause night wakings. If your toddler wakes up crying every night, check their sleep environment and make the necessary adjustments.

•      Ensure the room temperature is between 65-70°F.

•      Utilize blackout curtains to avoid early morning wake-ups.

•      Consider a white noise machine to eliminate disturbing sounds.

2. How to Comfort a Crying Toddler at Night

When your toddler wakes up crying hysterically, your response can greatly impact how quickly they settle back to sleep. It’s important to identify the level of distress and respond accordingly to avoid reinforcing habits that may lead to continued night wakings.

Mild Fussing:

If your toddler is whimpering or a little restless, wait one minute before rushing in. Sometimes they are just switching between sleep cycles and can settle back down by themselves. Rushing in immediately away might wake them up completely, making it more difficult for them to go back to sleep.

Loud Crying

If your toddler wakes up crying several times during the night and seems to be inconsolable, taking them in your arms may be necessary—but not over-rocking, feeding, or playing. Briefly hold them, comfort them, and put them back into bed as soon as they settle down. If night terrors are the issue, don’t wake them abruptly and instead gently guide them back to sleep.

Hysterical Crying

If your toddler wakes up crying several times during the night and seems to be inconsolable, taking them in your arms may be necessary—but not over-rocking, feeding, or playing. Briefly hold them, comfort them, and put them back into bed as soon as they settle down. If night terrors are the issue, don’t wake them abruptly and instead gently guide them back to sleep.

Early Morning Wake-Ups

If your toddler wakes up crying every morning, look for hunger, discomfort, or too bright morning light. Providing a small bedtime snack helps to avoid wake-ups because of hunger. Bright light may also be causing wake-ups; consider installing blackout curtains to make the room dark.

Visit Here: How to Stay Organized as a Busy Parent While Keeping Your Kids Happy

3. Prevention Measures for an Undisturbed Night

Prevention Measures for an Undisturbed Night

If your toddler consistently wakes up crying, adopting proactive strategies prevents sleep interruptions.

1. Develop a Regular Bedtime Routine

A regular bedtime routine facilitates an easy transition into sleep for toddlers. A warm bath, bedtime story, and cuddles are all signs that it’s time for sleep.

2. Teach Self-Soothing

Self-soothing should be taught to toddlers to allow them to sleep without any interruption. Providing comfort items, such as a stuffed animal or a blanket, can help give them a feeling of security if they wake up during the night.

3. Adjust Daytime Schedule

Make sure your child has sufficient daytime naps but not near bedtime. An overtired toddler can find it difficult to fall and remain asleep.

4. Manage Night Wakings Smartly

If your toddler wakes up crying every morning, don’t rush in right away. Let them have a chance to settle down before stepping in to comfort them.

4. When to Seek Professional Assistance

Most sleep disturbances are temporary and can be controlled by changes in your toddler’s schedule. But if your 2-year-old keeps waking up crying repeatedly and nothing appears to be effective, a medical checkup could be necessary.

Consult a professional if:

•  Crying is uncontrollable and happens repeatedly at night, every night.

•  Your toddler is singing of illness, pain, or distress, such as pulling on their ears, having a fever, or swollen gums.

•  Frequent night terrors or intense nightmares start affecting their daily lives.

•  Your toddler may have trouble breathing, snore loudly, or have pauses in breathing while asleep, which might be a sign of sleep apnea.

A pediatrician may be able to eliminate underlying medical conditions, such as acid reflux, allergies, or sleep disorders, that might be causing frequent night waking.

Read More: A Guide to Morning Routines for Toddlers and Preschoolers


If your toddler wakes up crying several times a night, it’s annoying, but don’t forget—it’s a stage that will end. By identifying the cause and following practical solutions, you can make your child sleep peacefully. Whether separation anxiety, nightmares, hunger, or sleep regression, patience and persistence are the keys.

Have you experienced a toddler waking up crying? Leave a comment below to share your thoughts!

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